Tanjun understand that collating National Occupational Standards (NOS) and designing Qualification Packs (QP) for the skill development sector involves more un-learning than learning. It is a critical job where change is the only constant.
Each skill set is meticulously analysed and broken up into its tiniest occupational component till all lateral and vertical employment channels have been thoroughly scrutinised and laid on to our proprietary matrix design. Then each cell of the matrix is picked up individually to develop the qualification pack that best fits the job role.
The few countries globally who have adopted this method and the pioneering individuals who have virtually evolved the methodology have unanimously praised the quality of work done by Tanjun in developing these skill learning packages.
It is indeed a matter of pride for us to have written these most demanding of skill QPs: That of Sports, Physical Education, Fitness and Leisure skill sectors that are considered the most diverse and the most complicated of all skill sectors.
Decode, Design, Develop & Deliver are the Tanjun keywords for achieving excellence in this critical service area.